Our journey
From a modest company with a portfolio of several cosmetic products, we have established ourselves as a major and reliable producer of pharmaceutical products that help manage a wide range of health problems. Nowadays some of them are among the best-selling in the Czech Republic and the most recommended in their categories. We’re constantly expanding our production capacity and scope, and in 2021 we successfully registered our first drug in six European countries.
Company established
The purely Czech company Neofyt s. r. o.. was founded by three natural persons. Its aim was to become a significant, stable and reliable producer of phytopharmaceuticals. The initial product portfolio had eight cosmetics.

The production premises in Malý Bor put into operation
A year after setting up the company, we started running our own production facilities in Malý Bor in the Pilsen Region. The company's main office and warehouses are located in Stříbrná Skalica, about 20 km south of Prague, in the quiet environs of the Posázaví District.

Production of medical devices containing medicinal substances starts
We expanded our product portfolio to medical devices containing medicinal substances. This step brought the company more demanding legislative requirements as a manufacturer. Since its inception our company has been working in accordance with ISO standards and we are gradually introducing more demanding quality systems which are necessary for manufacturing medical devices.

Kolodium forte is the best-selling in its category
On the basis of the marketing research conducted by Nielsen, which has a reputation of world-renown as concerns market research, the medical device Kolodium forte was evaluated as the best-selling product in pharmacies for removing warts in the Czech Republic.

We enter foreign markets
Due to growing demand from Slovak customers, we opened a branch in Slovakia in 2013. There followed negotiations with those interested in distribution abroad, this resulted in our products being exported to Romania, Cyprus and Estonia, with other European countries soon to be added.

More than 500,000 products sold annually
Since it was founded, the company has seen dynamic development and has consolidated its position. We are expanding our product portfolio and the countries in which we sell Phyteneo products. The number of employees is also growing accordingly.

Certificate of Good Distribution Practice
We expand the portfolio of services on offer: Neofyt obtained a permit from the State Institute for Drug Control allowing it to distribute medicines. This step brought more demanding requirements for storage space and distribution.

Expansion of production facilities
So far, during our 10-year history, we have gained the position of a significant and reliable producer of phytopharmaceuticals. Due to the expanding product portfolio and the stable, annual growth in sales, it was necessary to expand the existing production facilities in Malý Bor.

Registration of our first medicinal product started
We have started the demanding process of registering our first medicinal product - the antiseptic Octicide.

We change the logo and our corporate identity
We are launching the gradual process of rebranding. This will include a new corporate identity as well as a new logo that better captures the essence of our products - the combination of scientific knowledge and the power of nature.

Registration of the first medicinal product completed
We have reached a significant milestone in our company’s history - we have managed to register our first medicinal product - the antiseptic Octicide - in six European countries.

We unified the name of the company and the brand.
Growing presence in foreign markets, expansion of our portfolio and ambitions
to seek further innovative solutions beyond phytotherapy led us to the decision
to change and unify our brand and company name.